Asteroom Editorial
3D Virtual Tours in the Midst of COVID-19 Crisis
Making the Best of a Tough Situation with Virtual Tours
Eric Tsai Mar 23, 2020

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As 2020 progresses into its second quarter, the entire world is dealing with a largely unexpected situation. The recent outbreak of the coronavirus, commonly referred to as COVID-19, has quickly become a global pandemic. In efforts to contain the pathogen and quell the potential health risks, many countries around the world are recommending their populations to quarantine.

Obviously, this collective pause is having a major impact on business. Industries are being forced to adapt to stay afloat during this unprecedented crisis. However, technology is making possible the impossible – and creating a new paradigm where staying at home doesn’t necessarily mean professionals can’t thrive.

New Technologies are Paving the Way

It’s no secret that technology is carrying the weight of keeping communication going for the real estate industry as COVID-19 is keeping everyone within the safety of their own homes.

Remote work is possible via connectivity technologies, e-communication, social media, and contemporary websites. Right now, it’s all about producing clear, cohesive, and comprehensive content that provides everything an in-person client interaction would. When looking at real estate, what better tech tool is available to achieve these goals than 3D virtual tours?

Making the Best of a Tough Situation with Virtual Tours

In the wake of a crisis such as COVID-19, where social distancing is a prerogative, many brokerages are halting property showings. However, that doesn’t mean that all real estate deals need to be put on hold. Property listings using 3D tours will be able to facilitate a digital walk-through experience for interested buyers. In recent days, the demand for digital home tours has grow, with Redfin CEO Glen Kelman saying,

Our requests that are for video-chat tours has increased nearly four-fold over the past two weeks, albeit off a low base. Due to some heroic engineering efforts, we upgraded the website functionality for requesting video-chat tours last night.

The accuracy and professional quality of 3D tours are becoming more than just a strong website feature – it’s actually a necessity. While many agents are electing Matterport tours for an additional cost of $350 to $500, Asteroom has served as an affordable alternative to agents who are looking for a cost effective virtual tour solution with 3D dollhouses. Photographers usually charge $50 to $100 dollars for a home that’s 3000 - 5000 sqft because Asteroom tours usually take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

Furthermore, Asteroom’s 3D virtual tours are enabling overseas market transactions to continue even while bans on travel are preventing global movement. A masterfully created 3D dollhouse tour showcases the entirety of a listed property, allowing sellers to engage with international investors and transnational buyers.

This is proof that with tech-centric adoptions like virtual tours, global business transactions don’t need to stop – they only need to adjust.

Major Takeaways: 3D Touring’s Future Outlook

While undoubtedly a tragedy, the COVID-19 pandemic could end up being the accelerator that transforms virtual property tours from a luxury addition into a standard baseline expectation. Those who have been slow to explore the possibilities of 3D touring are currently seeing how easy, useful, and altogether essential 3D virtual tours are for real estate.

COVID-19 will eventually pass. However, 3D tours won’t be fading into the background once it does. Contrarily, the powers of virtual touring will be at the forefront of the industry’s mind as digital technologies propelled society forward during the hardest of times.

In the same way that e-commerce is here to stay, virtual tours are the newest wave of online buying that is revolutionizing real estate. Both buyers and agents will continue to see the multilayered benefits of virtual tours as this tech helps make business more productive, profitable, and streamlined.

Above all, Asteroom is committed to the health and safety of people. Our dedicated team members and appreciated clients and customers are, and always have been Asteroom’s top priority. Any real estate agent interested in learning more about Asteroom’s premier 3D virtual tour services shouldn’t hesitate to chat with us – we’re here for you.

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